Wednesday Wellbeing ideas:
A zine, pronounced “zeen” is a homemade publication. There are no set-in-stone rules for making zines. A zine can be about anything you’re interested in. Really! There are all kinds of zines including: fanzines (a zine about something or someone you love), cooking zines full of recipes and tips, comic zines, art zines, poetry zines, and personal zines where people write about their daily lives. I once saw a zine that was created to look like sticks of chewing gum inside a wrapper! The content and appearance of a zine is completely up to the creator and can be as simple or as complicated as you want. Have a go at making one of your own.
Take a look at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kkcjKbbF9JA and listen to the wonderful story 'Here We Are' which all the classes have been reading this term.
Some great ideas here from Mrs Ledward for your Wellbeing.
We are working alongside Andrew Wright and his Neuro Ninja campaign. You can see more here: https://www.actionyourpotential.org/
Rocks Park’s 12 Rocks to Wellbeing
As part of the school’s approach to positive mental health and emotional wellbeing, the school has launched the “12 Rocks to Wellbeing” as part of its daily curriculum. This project focuses on twelve areas for pupils, staff and parents to try and achieve every day to help them with their positive wellbeing. The twelve “rocks” and how we will achieve them are;
1. SLEEP – Our pupils should be getting at least 8 hours of sleep per night. This is to be worked on with parents through newsletters, parent workshops and with pupils in assembly.
2. EXERCISE – We should all be doing 20-30 minutes a day. All classes MUST be doing this through the daily mile, Jumpstart Jonny, active maths/English games outside etc.
3. HEALTHY EATING – The importance of a good diet for pupils is paramount to their wellbeing and ability to learn. This will be worked on in assemblies, PSHE/Science curriculum, parent workshops and healthy eating curriculum days through the year.
4. MINDFULNESS - This is important in allowing our minds to focus on how we are feeling and how we can stay calm in those more anxious moments. Every class MUST take some time for mindfulness EVERY DAY. Jumpstart Jonny has some very good resources for this and so does Youtube. This include opportunities each week for yoga and there are plenty of videos on Youtube for this also.
5. MIND WANDERING – This is vital in allowing our brains to escape from time to time each day. Its an opportunity for a “cuppa” if you like. This is something that is harder to “timetable” but opportunities for pupils to free-draw, free-write, put music on at some point each day will help them with this.
6. MANAGING EMOTIONS – This is a key “Rock” that is essential in promoting wellbeing. This is about pupils and adults being able to talk about the way they are feeling and knowing how they can help themselves with this or who to ask for support. It is something that can be discussed on a day to day basis by making explicit links to it when discussions come up as a whole class or with individuals. It will also be discussed in assemblies over the course of the year and through links with the school values of being positive and being resilient.
7. WALK IN NATURE – This is a perfect “Rock” with our grounds being as they are. As you know, we are keen for all of our children to be out in the grounds as much as possible but all classes MUST take part in one walk a week around the grounds. This can be in the style of Reception’s, “Wednesday Welly Walk.” Once a term a walk could be to the High Street or around the nature reserve. If you would like to use the walk for music appreciation too, then there is a quality Bluetooth speaker that can be used with the ipads.
8. LISTENING TO MUSIC – This can help people connect with emotions whether it be them feeling positive or negative. It also can help some children with focus and concentration. There must be opportunities every day in every class for pupils to listen to music. This can be at the beginning of the day on arrival, end of the day, during lesson time (I used to use it for writing) etc. Keep talking with the children about how music helps them and why it’s good to listen to music so they understand why it’s being played.
9. CONNECTING WITH FRIENDS AND FAMILY – This is self-explanatory and part of the daily ethos of our school. It connects very much with “Rock 10” and acts of kindness towards friends can be put on the Acts of Kindness tree in the library. This will of course be explored in the PSHE curriculum across the school but the school will also work with parents in terms of how they can ensure they are connecting with each other at home. For example, the importance of sitting down as a family for mealtime.
10. KINDNESS AND GRATITUDE – This links in very much with above. It is just about being very clear with children and celebrating those acts of kindness and gratitude whenever possible. As mentioned above, the Acts of Kindness tree will help with this.
11. ENJOYING ACTIVITIES / CELEBRATING TALENTS - This is where the importance of a wide and varied curriculum comes in so that all of our pupils have the opportunity to showcase what they are good at. We have fantastic artists, scientists, historians etc in our school and it isn’t just about their writing or their maths. This is something that should be happening every day simply from what you are planning for your pupils. Don’t forget to take a photo of your Golden Badge winners each week so that we can display them in the hall. The same display will also celebrate particular achievements from outside of school and it will be good to have our staff on there too!!
12. LEARN, PLAY, CREATE – This is the bread and butter and very much links to the above. Our pupils need to be learning something new every day, be engaged by a rich and varied curriculum that gives the “wow” factor. If we are getting this right, then everything else will follow – engaged pupils = pupils making progress!!