Curriculum overview
* Be Caring * Be Aspirational * Be Respectful * Be Positive * Be Resilient * Be Independent
We dream, then believe. We work together to prepare and persevere to achieve.
We dream, then believe. We work together to prepare and persevere to achieve.
At Rocks Park we believe that all children are entitled to a rich and balanced curriculum. Knowledge and skills should be built upon year on year with opportunities to apply these across both core and foundation subjects.
Our values of positivity, respect, caring, resilience, aspiration and independence are embedded within our curriculum and link to our aims for all pupils:
• To ensure children develop into independent learners who have a love of learning throughout their lifetime
• To ensure learners experience positivity, engagement and creativity through a broad and well-balanced curriculum with opportunities for real life experiences incorporating visits and school trips
• To ensure learners acquire new skills and knowledge and skills through clear progression and application
• To ensure children enjoy learning that is relevant to their lifetime on a local and global scale
• To enable children to develop the skills of a reflective learner with a focus on growth mind set and a positive self-belief in their own capabilities
• To ensure that all areas of the curriculum and achievements within these are celebrated
• To ensure children attain good physical and mental health throughout their lives and give them skills and strategies to achieve this
The structure of our curriculum is designed to enable pupils to reinforce and build upon prior learning, make connections and develop subject specific vocabulary. There are two cognitive principles that underpin it.
- that learning is most effective with spaced repetition.
- that retrieval of previously learned content is frequent and regular.
Our teachers work together to create a flow of learning over the course of a term. Much of their work sits within the context of their Learning Journey meaning English skills are practised through ‘topic’ work and foundation subject knowledge is enhanced and shared through an English context. This generates opportunities for repetition and retrieval of learnt knowledge and skills, ensuring they are fully embedded and for pupils to make connections through concepts, ideas and knowledge. This structure allows our teachers to think carefully about what children need to know by the end of each Learning Journey and the best order in which to teach this. There is a flexible approach to the timetabling of subjects within the timetable. We have found that it may be beneficial in some Learning Journeys to ‘frontload’ one subject at the start of term in order to apply the knowledge in the second half of the term. We find that having a flexible approach means that learning is more meaningful and memorable as its being applied to an end product.
Science is incorporated in the flow of learning when it will best enhance children's understanding of scientific knowledge and concepts. Scientific Enquiry skills are taught throughout the school year.
The teaching of mathematics often sits outside of the flow of learning; however, teachers carefully plan opportunities when pre-taught maths skills can be reinforced and applied through the flow of their learning journeys. We follow the NCETM recommended teaching spine and have used this to develop our long-term maths plan. We ensure children are given opportunities to retrieve previously learnt skills and mathematical knowledge through ‘mini maths’.
Knowledge and skills progression maps have been developed by our staff and subject leaders to ensure clear guidance for staff so that knowledge is built upon and skills are developed and enhanced year on year. These can be found on individual subject pages. Please look at our Curriculum overviews below to get a more comprehensive view of your children’s learning at Rocks Park.
In classrooms you will see teachers and teaching assistants:
Challenge pupils so that pupils have high expectations of what they can achieve.
Explain so that pupils acquire new knowledge and skills.
Model so that pupils know how to apply the knowledge and skills taught.
Give pupils the four ideal conditions for deliberate practice.
Question pupils so that pupils are made to think hard with breadth, depth and accuracy.
Feedback to pupils so that they are able to further develop their knowledge and skills and improve their work.
The Journeys

You can find the curriculum cycles and overview for each year group here. Medium term plans are available on the class pages.

EYFS Overview

Y1/Y2 Overview

Y3/Y4 Overview

For further information about the curriculum, please talk to your child's class teacher, open the attachment (Primary National Curriculum) or follow the link to the National Curriculum website.