School day

8.35am - Gates Open

8.40 - Bell rings for Y2-Y6 to line up

8:45am - Register

9.05am – 9.25am (Mon / Fri) Morning Assembly

10.30am / 10.45am Playtime for infants / juniors

12.00pm- 1.00pm Lunchtime for Rec / Y1

12.15pm - 1.15pm Lunchtime for Y2 – Y6

2.30pm - 2.40pm Playtime for Infants only (flexible)

2.45pm - 3.00pm (Tues / Thurs) Afternoon Assembly

3.10pm - Gates Open

3.15pm End of school day

Total time 32.5 hours

Please avoid sending your child to arrive before 8.35am since no responsibility can be accepted before that time.

Morning registration will take place at 8:45am. Registers will be returned to the office by 8:55am. Any child arriving after this time must report to the school office to register their arrival. Children arriving between 8:55am and 9:30am will be recorded as late. Arrivals after 9:30am will be recorded as unauthorised, unless we have previously been made aware of the reason for lateness, for example, a medical appointment. If your child is going to be absent from school, please email or phone the school office by 9am. 

 The gates will open at 3:10pm for a 3:15pm collection. 

Please inform the school office by telephone or email if you are going to be late collecting your child or if there is a change to your child’s usual collection arrangements. Staff have a responsibility to safeguard all of our pupils and must feel confident that they know who they are dismissing each child to at the end of every day. 

After school clubs -

Please ensure your child/ren are aware of their collection arrangements at the end of their club. 

Siblings are not permitted to wait at school while clubs are taking place.

If a club is cancelled, we will try to inform parents asap via email, phone call or text message.