Please call (01825) 762827 Email:
Our office hours are 9am - 4pm
Mrs S Beacham -
Business Manager
Mrs P Judd -
School Secretary
All injuries, accidents and medicines given will be reported via Medical Tracker to Priority 1 on your child's contact list via email. Obviously, we will still call you if the accident is serious.
Head bumps
We use bright orange wristbands for head bumps throughout the school. If your child comes home wearing one of these, please check your emails for a notification from Medical Tracker that will have more details.
If your child is given medicine or used their inhaler during the school day, they will come home wearing a green wristband. This will have their name, date, time, medicine, dose and initials of staff member who gave the medicine.
If your child is absent, please inform the office as soon as possible on (01825) 762827 and press 1 for absences. Please leave a brief reason for the absence.
Please update the school office if there is a change to your child’s medical health, so that all records can be kept up to date and staff made fully aware of any issues. All medication must be handed in to the school office and a consent form completed. All medicines and inhalers MUST be in the original box! Rocks Park use a system called Medical Tracker to store all of our pupil’s medical information. We use this to notify parents when medicine has been administered. A wrist band will also be issued for the child to wear, providing all details of what has been administered and when. If your child has a minor injury or accident a notification will be sent from Medical Tracker via email to the child’s first contact to notify them of the accident. Please be reassured that the school office will continue to call if the accident or injury is more severe and we have significant concerns.
We respectfully remind you that if your child has been absent due to diarrhoea and/or vomiting, they should not return to school until 48 hours from last episode of diarrhoea or vomiting.
Normally your child should attend school if they only have a minor illness. The school will send them home if they think it is necessary. Use this NHS guide to see what illnesses may require you to keep you child away from school under normal circumstances.
Is my child too ill for school? It can be tricky deciding whether or not to keep your child off school when they're unwell. There are government guidlines:
If you do keep your child at home, it's important to phone us and keep us updated. If your child is well enough to come to school, but has an infection that could be passed on, such as a cold sore or head lice, please let us know.
You can pay for school dinners and trips using ParentPay. Simply follow the link:
Each child has a login and password. If you need to receive yours again, please ask at the office.
You can also choose your school dinner on ParentPay. A step by step guide is available for you here.
If you order lunch after 8.30am the kitchen can't guarantee that the lunch requested will be available.
Please only book lunch one week in advance.
Parent Helpers
If you wish to become a parent helper you will need to complete a DBS (CRB) check. This form is available from Mrs Beacham.