We changed the resources and planning scheme we use for our PSHE and RSHE lessons. We felt that across the school we just needed a fresh update of the plans and ideas that we were using, particularly when it came to the Relationships and Health aspect of the curriculum.
SCARF is a scheme that is adopted by a significant number of schools across the country and also has resources for assemblies and other whole school celebrations. This term we are covering their Growing and Changing topic and we have attached a letter for yourselves from SCARF that details their curriculum for you and I have also attached the scheme of work so you can see what is being covered each week in this term. Please note that we will not be covering the HIV lesson in Year 6 as I didn't feel this needed to be covered at this age.
Some classes may not have covered any of these lessons so far this term because they are doing it in a block in the weeks to come but hopefully this resource will help you be ready for any questions your child might have.
If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to contact us via email.
The new RSHE (Relationships, Sex and Health Education) curriculum became statutory in September 2020 and we now deliver this as part of our curriculum at Rocks Park, as we feel it links so strongly with our 6 school values. The school uses PSHE Solutions to deliver it's RSHE curriculum and the lesson plans can be found here. Not all lessons in here will be taught but you can always ask for more information from your child's teacher.
Our school’s vision for RSHE is
“For all our pupils to learn an increased independence through their school years that strengthens their resilience and aspirations for the future, allows them to respect and celebrate the diverse world we live in and ensures they display a positive and caring attitude to themselves and each other, both physically and mentally.”
What is the purpose of our RSHE curriculum?
We want to enable children to embrace the challenges of creating a happy and successful adult life.
the knowledge to make informed decisions about their wellbeing, health and relationships
the opportunity to put knowledge into practice as they develop the capacity to make sound decisions when facing risks, challenges and complex contexts.
recognition that everyone faces difficult situations in their lives – how can we support children to develop resilience, to know how and when to ask for help, and to know where to access support
Why is there new guidance now? What is it about?
RSHE came into effect in September 2020
It's 20 years since the last review of the curriculum – the world has changed
Relationships Education in primary schools
Relationships and Sex Education in high schools
Health Education in primary and high schools
This guidance is for all primary schools including academies and faith based schools.
For more information, please read the planned scheme of work and policy.