FSA - Friends of the School Association fsa@rockspark.e-sussex.sch.uk
Welcome to our team:
Chair - Tiffany Lazenbury
Vice Chair - Stuart Campbell
Secretary - Anna Emmerson
Treasurer - Katie MacFarlane
What is the FSA?
The Rocks Park Friends of the School Association is a group of parents, staff and the community who find ways to raise money for the school to help give the children opportunities for learning experiences and having fun.
We are all members of the FSA (yes that includes you!) by simply having your children at the school – ‘many hands make light work and brings the most success’
How to book for the up and coming FSA events!
Download - the MyPTA app that allows you to pay for all FSA associated events.
Please follow the instructions below
*Check your junk inbox for your registered passcode*
*You will be emailed confirmation once the request has been accepted on the app*
Remember this app is to only be used by parents/careers of your children - not extended family etc.
Thank you
Class Reps
Class reps are the point of contact from the FSA to the year group. Class reps are asked to;
Share FSA Facebook posts to the year group pages
Co-ordinate any class staff for seasonal fayres
Share feedback & ideas from the year group to the FSA
You are supported by the FSA whenever needed. Please email us if you can support your class in this.
As we move into the new school year, the fundraising challenges ahead remain. To achieve the familiar events and add new ones too we need as many active members as possible. When you support the FSA, you’re not just baking a cake, donating a prize, buying a raffle ticket or giving up your time to volunteer. Your contributing allows us to support the school in improving your children’s playground equipment, school outings, the up keep of the swimming pool, bringing theatre to the school plus making new friends, building a community and helping to make your child’s school even more brilliant.

If you choose to pay by BACS for any of the FSA events or items, please use the payment reference format indicated below and note it on your order form/reply slip which will still need returning to the black FSA box.
Natwest Bank Account: Rocks Park Friends of the School Association. Sort Code: 601030 Account No: 11711094
School uniform shop
The FSA have set up a pre-loved school uniform shop. We had intended to hold a donation/sales event at the end of each term but have had to hold back so far due to the pandemic. We’ll get them up and running as soon as it is safe to do so!
In the meantime, we do have some stock so if you’re in need of any items or if you have any in good condition to donate please email the FSA (fsa@rockspark.e-sussex.sch.uk) and we’ll arrange a COVID-aware handover.
Prices: Crested items £2.50 Grey items £1 White tops, PE shorts etc 50p
Do you shop on Amazon? You can help Rocks Park Friends Of School Association raise money without any cost to yourself…?
Introducing Amazon Smile!
AmazonSmile is a website operated by Amazon that offers the same wide selection of products as amazon.co.uk.
Each time customers shop at smile.amazon.co.uk Amazon will donate a percentage of the net purchase price for millions of eligible products. There is no additional cost or charge to customers or charities for this.
Rocks Park Friends Of School Association are now registered with Amazon Smile which donates 0.5% of every one of your eligible purchases to the FSA All you have to do is follow these 4 instructions.
1. Go to www.smile.amazon.co.uk
2. Enter your Amazon account details
3. Search for Rocks Park Friends Of School Association (It needs to be entered in full to find us) and select us as your chosen charity
4. ONLY purchases made through smile.amazon.co.uk, are eligible.
5. Next time you shop be sure to please do so through smile.amazon.co.uk rather than the amazon app to make sure we receive the charitable amount.
There has been lots of research by other charitable organisations and there is no catch to you the shopper! Prices and services are the same.
Please think of us next time you are shopping via Amazon, and go to Amazon Smile instead.