Please call us on 01825 762827 or email: 9am - 4pm
If you would like to contact a class teacher, please do so via the office email.
Improving School Communications with Arbor
Communicating with parents is an important part of what we do, making sure you get the correct information about school news, activities and things that really matter is something we care about. We use Arbor, a service used by schools, nurseries and children’s clubs to communicate to parents.
If you need any additional information or assistance, please contact Mrs Judd in the school office.
We email our letters to parents, so please ensure we have your correct email address. If you think you are not receiving school emails, please let us know:
We send out all of our school letters as pdf. If you don't have a printer, and would like a letter that has a reply slip to be sent to you as a Word version, please contact the office, or we are happy to send home a paper copy of letters for you.
We have an official Facebook group to act as an additional communication tool between the school and parents. For safeguarding reasons it has been set up as a 'Closed Group' and therefore can only be seen by those who have been added to the group. Please ensure that you have returned the 'Facebook consent letter' reply slip before you ask to join the group.
To join the group, please follow this link: and then click on the green icon that says 'join group'. Once part of the group, you will receive a notification whenever there is an update on the page.
All of the information that appears on the Facebook page is also available on the website.
We respectfully remind parents that images of children from Rocks Park School should not be shared on personal social media posts. Parents are asked to consent for their children to appear on the website and our closed Facebook page and we abide by these consents. Thank you for your co-operation.
We use the 'MarvellousMe' app as a way of communicating to you what your child is learning about each week and when your child has achieved something in school. We will supply you with a log in and password - please ask at the office if you haven't received yours.
They have a great website to help you get started -
take a look: